Monday, June 15, 2009

WebBlogs Community

Online community has existed since in 1990s and email is the first and yet the most commonly com used communication tool in internet (Preece, 2003). In these recent years, blogs has introduced a new platform for the communities. Moreover, the advent of Web 2.0 services such as photographs, audio, video and web cams, have aroused the user’s interest to join weblog community.

According to Owyang (2007), an online community is a group people who have similar target or interest, exchange information and connect to each other by using internet. Based on White (2001), the structure, purpose and people of each online community is different. The reason that people want to build a strong community blog is because of commercial which are suitable for investors, politically mind and professional to promote or advertise their product (Stauffer,2008) . Moreover, community blogs can be non-profit which it allows the user to share and exchange information and it can be neither public nor private (Stauffer, 2008).

Furthermore, there are variety types of blog community such as health, professional information, educational, fashionable, entertainment, economic, entertainment, and political. For instance, Barack Obama who is the president of America had built a strong community blog - In this websites, it provides information about the issues, administration, legislation and the government body in America. Moreover, it contains open government initiative and the citizens are able to post their question (White House, 2009).

A community blog is able to helps one find and fit in a particular group which has similarity and widen one’s knowledge. Moreover, blogs can unite people as it provides an attachment between people such as the government and citizens or people who came from different state and have different culture. While creating a blog or building community, the user should use it wisely and decently.
(Picture from PassPort Health, 2008)

Owyang, J 2007, Defining the term: Online Community, Web Strategy, viewed 12 June 2009,

Stauffer, T 2008, How to Do Everything with Your Web 2.0 Blog ,McGraw – Hill Companies, United States of America.

White, N 2001, Community Member Roles and Types, Full Circle Associates, viewed 12 June 2009,

White House 2009, Welcome to White House, USA government, viewed 12 June 2009,

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